How to video chat

Connecting with family and loved ones has never been easier. Aside from meeting in person, there are now so many options to connect virtually. Using a video chat allows for face-to-face time to connect and offers options for creative conversations, such as showing a friend your knitting project. But if you’re not experienced with the technology, it can be frustrating or confusing.

There are many different ways to video chat depending on what device you are using. There are also a number of social media outlets that provide a video chat feature. With so many options, it may feel overwhelming. Below are resources to help you learn how to video chat using the method you prefer.

How to video chat on:

Tips and tricks:

  • Ask your friends or family which devices they use and determine if you are able to video chat with them from your device using the same video chat application.
  • If your video chat applications are incompatible, try web-based or social media chat services.
  • For easy to understand workshops, visit Senior Planet for regularly scheduled free webinars covering topics from video chat, to sending and organizing digital photos, to hosting your own virtual meeting.
  • Looking for an easier way to stay in the loop? Check out technologies that are simplified to meet the needs of older adults without all the confusion of a complicated device. Check out suggested phones for seniors and tablets and applications like GrandPad to help you stay.