Read Ethan's story

I live in an apartment building with 12 units. I didn’t really get to know my neighbors since moving in, and since I work from home I don’t really see a lot of them regularly. We have a chalkboard in the entryway to our building, and one day when I was headed out the door I noticed someone had started drawing a picture. So I added to it. I came back home later that evening and my mystery neighbor had added on even more to the image. Another day, I was coming inside when I noticed they’d drawn up a tic tac toe board. I added a move each time I passed the chalkboard as I left the building, and each time I returned home the mystery neighbor had played their move. We’ve been playing other games on the chalkboard over the past few months. It’s been fun to make a connection with my neighbor through a simple game – even if their identity is still a mystery to me!
