Social Skill-Building Activities

For those wondering how to make more meaningful social connections, it can be tough to know where to start. It's easy to get lost in our day-to-day lives and forget the importance of having deeper social connections.

Close relationships benefit your health, as well as the health of those you connect with. No matter your age, we have lessons that will teach you how to stay socially connected.

Explore the activities below

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  • Memory-related illnesses like dementia can be heart-wrenching diseases for the patient, and for their friends, family and caregivers.

  • Seasonal celebrations often bring together people with different backgrounds, opinions and perspectives. This can create a wonderful opportunity to share and learn about each other, but it can also spark disagreements. Learn tips on avoiding conflict and how to get along with family and friends during the holidays.

  • Listening is a fundamental tool for successful relationships. It can be defined as giving attention to messages and information received through sound and action. Becoming aware of your current listening skills and behaviors, and practicing new ones, will strengthen your own ability to listen to connect and not just respond.

  • Do you ever wonder why you feel like something’s “missing” in the picture of your overall health? You might be exercising and eating right. You may have close friends and loved ones who support you when you are going through a difficult time. You could be doing all the “right” things that you know will help keep you physically and mentally healthy.

  • When we think about social wellness, our individual well-being may first come to mind. How satisfied are we with our lives? Do the relationships we have bring us joy and contentment? What can we do better to improve our adult social well-being? Are we balancing our social wellness with activities that promote positive physical and emotional health?